Public Policy And Agent Interests

    Perspectives from the emerging world

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    About Book

    Discover a powerful collection of insights, experiences, and visions from Africa's leading voices.

    Delve into a comprehensive exploration of public policy, economic development, and governance in Nigeria and across Africa. This groundbreaking book brings together the expertise of renowned economists, policymakers, and thought leaders to address the most pressing challenges and opportunities facing the continent.


    Meet the Authors and Co-authors

    Our distinguished panel of contributors includes former ministers, central bank governors, economists, and internationally recognized experts. Each brings a wealth of experience and unique perspectives on shaping Africa's future.

    Dr. Andrew S. Nevin, PhD

    Dr. Andrew S. Nevin, PhD

    Dr. Yemi Kale

    Dr. Yemi Kale

    Aliyu Aminu Ahmed

    Aliyu Aminu Ahmed

    Dr. Temitope Laniran

    Dr. Temitope Laniran

    Nuruddeen Usman, CFA

    Nuruddeen Usman, CFA

    Dr. Sarah Alade

    Dr. Sarah Alade

    Dr. Shamsuddeen Usman

    Dr. Shamsuddeen Usman


    Prof. Benedict Oramah

    Prof. Benedict Oramah

    Prof Olufemi Taiwo

    Prof Olufemi Taiwo

    Mr Fancis Osuyah

    Mr Fancis Osuyah


    H.H. DR. Muhammad Sanusi II

    H.H. DR. Muhammad Sanusi II

    Charlie Robertson

    Charlie Robertson

    Dr. Oyebode Oyetunde

    Dr. Oyebode Oyetunde

    DR. ANDREW S. NEVIN, possesses a distinguished career spanning over three decades, with significant engagements as an entrepreneur, private equity investor, economist, and strategy consultant. His professional trajectory has seen him navigate prominent roles across Asia, North America, and Europe, culminating in his residency in Lagos, Nigeria.

    Concurrently, Dr. Nevin has been instrumental in advancing sustainable economic strategies in Nigeria and broader Africa. Furthermore, he has been a leading advocate for recalibrating Canada's developmental metrics. Proposing a transition from the conventional GDP-centric approach established post-WWII, Dr. Nevin champions the adoption of a comprehensive "Flourishing Lens" that underscores the holistic well-being of the Canadian populace. This groundbreaking perspective is the focal point of an impending publication co-authored with Dr. Elizabeth Neill.

    Commencing his professional odyssey at McKinsey & Company, Dr. Nevin's academic credentials are notably robust. He is a Harvard University alumnus, having earned his PhD in Economics, and a Rhodes Scholar who secured an MA in Philosophy and Politics from Balliol College, Oxford University. Additionally, he holds a BSc (Hon) in Computer Science and Mathematics from the University of Western Ontario, Canada.


    The Book Overview

    In this book, Dr. Shamsuddeen Usman and his co-authors delve into the complexities of the principal-agent relationship within the framework of public policy in an emerging economy like Nigeria.
    Drawing from their extensive experience, they offer a thought-provoking exploration of the tensions between policy design and implementation, shedding light on the intricate dynamics that shape governance in developing contexts.


    The Book Snippets


    The Principal-Agent Challenge in Nigeria

    Andrew Nevin

    Clearly, the nation needs a new social contract, a social contract where the Federal and State governments provide the normal services governments are supposed to and the population supports this through payment of their taxes.


    Significance of data in shaping public policy

    Dr. Yemi Kale

    For a policy to be effective it must be based on facts represented by data, which set standards and benchmarks for evaluation, which in turn nurtures policies. The opposite of that is shooting in the dark.


    Public Policy Formulation, Implementation, and Monitoring & Evaluation in Nigeria

    Aliyu Aminu Ahmed

    The gap between policy pronouncements and their implementation significantly hinders the M & E process, as many policies are announced with great fanfare but suffer from a lack of substantive follow-through.


    Prosperity Unearthed: The Strategic power of Public policy in SSA's resource-rich countries

    Temitope Laniran & Nuruddeen Usman

    Misaligned economic reforms and ineffectual institutions have stifled diversification, perpetuating reliance on volatile commodities and curtailing progress in resource-rich nations.


    Public Policy and Fiscal Management

    Dr. Sarah Alade

    Nigeria’s political class continues to exert a distorting influence on fiscal policy management, undermining the autonomy of key institutions and enabling fiscal mismanagement.


    Enhancing Transparency and Accountability in Public Financial Management: The Memoirs of a Practitioner

    Dr. Shamsuddeen Usman

    The realisation that trust is elusive in a landscape of corruption and high-level politics led me to exercise greater caution in my subsequent assignment.


    Public Policy and Agency Risks in Export Credit Administrations in Africa

    Prof Benedict Oramah

    The agency problem, conflicts between pursuing national export promotion strategies versus serving certain narrow political interests, have mostly undermined the performance of ECAs in Africa and elsewhere.


    Public Policy Priorities in the Global North vs. Global South

    Prof. Olufemi Taiwo

    Fiscal policy carries far greater weight in the North, with government expenditure averaging 40.3 percent of GDP, compared to just 18.4 percent in low-income economies of the South—highlighting a critical imbalance in public investment capacity.


    Key Factors That Impact Transformation Programmes In The Public And Private Sectors – Lessons From Nigeria And Southern Africa

    Francis Osuyah

    The vision of the leadership of any organisation is critical to its growth and development in the short, medium and long term.


    Vested Interests and Public Servants: The Imperative of Speaking Up

    H.H. DR. Muhammadu Sanusi II

    This is a battle for the soul of our nation. As long as vested interests succeed in silencing all voices, the nation will keep slipping into a vast chasm and end up as a failed state.


    Challenges of Designing and Implementing Medium and Long-Term Plans Nigeria’s Vision 20:2020 and First Four-Year Implementation Plan: Memoirs of a National Planner

    Dr. Shamsuddeen Usman

    We were making a crucial decision as a country of deliberately planning for our future and not continuing to drift into it.


    Review and Reform of Nigeria’s International Development Assistance Architecture: Memoirs of a Practitioner

    Dr. Shamsuddeen Usman

    Aid effectiveness required that the programmes of the partners needed to be aligned to Nigeria's long-term objectives.


    Feast and Famine: How Should Nigeria Deal with Foreign Investors

    Charlie Robertson

    What is required from Nigeria are cast-iron assurances that foreign equity investors will be given good treatment in the local courts, will have access to foreign exchange when they want to leave, and will have a well-regulated market.


    The Legal Imperatives of Fiscal Policy Reform the Finance Acts (2019 – 2023) as an Illustration

    Dr. Oyebode Oyetunde

    For fiscal policy reform to be effective and enduring, it is crucial to give it a strong legal foundation through new legislation or the amendment of existing legislation.


    The Highs and Lows of Implementing Public Policy: Some Tidbits, Including a Couple of Scary Moments

    Dr. Shamsuddeen Usman

    Unless we get the politics right, hardly anything else will be alright.


    Proceeds support the Shamsuddeen Usman Foundation in developing Africa's next generation of leaders through education, health, and technology initiatives